Staff Members Of Torah Academy of LA

Rabbi Yosef Shatz, Menahel

 Pioneering this yeshiva, we present Rabbi Shatz. He has amassed over a decade of experience leading various educational programs for Jewish youth. With his unique combination of seriousness and charisma, Rabbi Shatz serves as both a role model and an approachable address for so many. 

Rabbi Nerya Yitzchakov, 1st grade rabbi

 With 17 years of chinuch experience, we are enthusiastic to have the highly recommended, Rabbi Yitzchakov, on-board as our first grade Rebbi. A highly sought-after teacher in the Sedardi community, Rabbi Yitzchakov is well known for his fun and warm-hearted approach which will mesmerize each child while Instilling a love for Torah. 

Mrs. Devorah Goldstein, 1st Grade English

 With more than 20 years of teaching expertise, we are delighted to have Mrs. Goldstein guide our first grade students in General Studies. As a dedicated elementary educator, she maintains an unwavering commitment to optimizing student and school success. Her inviting, exciting and innovative learning environment will truly enhance our children’s academic and social growth. 

Rebbetzin Bruria Hakhaka, Pre-1A Morah

Leading our Pre1A class, we are excited to introduce Rebbetzin Hakaka. A former principal with over 10 years of teaching skills, Rebbetzin Hakaka has a deep love for each of her students that will build each child’s foundation for life.

Mrs. Sharon Leyton, Preschool Director & Kindergarden Director

 With over 15 years of teaching experience, Mrs. Leyton had the pleasure of educating many different children in the Los Angeles and Valley communities throughout her career. As an early childhood educator, she is deeply committed to providing caring, warm and welcoming environment so that every child can shine at their own pace. With her reputation for creating an everlasting bond with her students and parents, we are honored to have Mrs. Leyton directing our Early Childhood Preschool Program. 

Rebbetzin Orly Mahpari, Nursery Morah

We are proud to introduce Rebbitzen Mahpari to our staff, leading the Nursery class. With over 20 years of experience teaching at Torat Emet Academy, Rebbetzin Mahpari is known for being a warm and caring teacher, qualities which will truly benefit our youngest students.

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